Anthony Cardahi

Meet Anthony Cardahi

Game Designer at Ubisoft Berlin

Anthony Cardahi

About Anthony

About Anthony

Mentor of Game Design

Anthony is a passionate gamer and has been working in the industry for over 10 years. He began by studying IT before transitioning to a Game Design diploma. He loves sharing ideas and perspectives, and hopes his experience in the industry can help newcomers navigate its tumultuous waters.


Anthony's work

Credits include Far Cry 6, Dead Island: Epidemic, Sacred Citadel and Metro Exodus to name a few.

Q&A with Anthony

Which city are you currently based in?

Berlin, Germany

What did your pathway into the industry look like?
After apprenticeships during my IT studies, I joined the publisher Deep Silver as Functional QA Manager, then Creative Producer/Supervisor for 6 years. During this time, I touched on many fields including game design, narrative, cinematic direction, production and marketing/communications on various franchises. I then joined the Ubisoft Berlin studio as a Project Coordinator before transitioning once again to game design.
What has been the best experience of your career so far?
Working on Metro: Exodus as Creative Supervisor and promoting it at E3 2018. Soon, my Game Designer credits on Far Cry 6!
What’s your advice for your students?

Never give up on your goals! You don't always have to make big strides, but everything can be a step forward, and it's easier to succeed if you keep trying.

Learn game design from industry pros 

What do you enjoy most about being a CG Spectrum mentor?
Sharing my experience and perspectives with students, and in turn learning from what these new game creators come up with.
How do you stay creative outside of work?
Playing and game-mastering tabletop roleplaying games (gone digital these days), fiddling with personal game concepts, and learning tons of facts (of various utilities) on the internet.
What excites you most about the future of game design?
The tools available nowadays to provide interactive experiences are more powerful than ever, and it's down to designers to come up with innovation on gameplay rather than tech. This should lead to some pretty amazing fantasies for us to play through!

Learn more about Anthony's experience or connect with him on LinkedIn.

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