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Nick Fredin31.07.182 min read

Do You Need to Know How to Draw to Be a 3D Animator or VFX Artist?

Some people can create fantastic images, but can’t draw anything.

A common question we get asked by prospective students trying to break into VFX is, 'I want to do this, BUT I CAN’T DRAW!’  Well here’s some good (if rather obvious) news … not every creative job requires you to have a background in fine arts.

That’s right Visual Effects, Animation, 3D Modelling, Compositing and Lighting all have areas that focus on the technical side of things, and often a good grasp of programming basics, mathematics or even theatrical acting can be just as useful.

We asked Greg, our mentor of Visual Effects and an artist with experience at Bioware and Ubisoft his thoughts about the link between VFX and hard drawing skills. See his full response in the video below.

Depending on what discipline you get into in 3D, being a traditional artist may or may not be necessary.

Becoming an
Animator, your job requires you to move the character around, much like a puppet, your focus is on bringing the character to life rather than creating it.  A visual effects artist creates all the explosions, splashes and crashed within a film.

3D Modeler gives the character it's skin and texture making it look more realistic.  As a VFX compositor, you build finished film shot sequences, render shadows on objects and add the finishing touches to film and games.

So you’re asking yourself, what do I need to know in order to get started down this career path?

Patience, persistence, and attention to detail are all skills you need to practice while in this type of career, as well as a willingness to learn animation.

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You should also start to familiarize yourself with the programs that are used within these areas of study. CG Spectrum offers a one-week orientation class to propel you forward with the software knowledge you will need for the course you decide on.

Simon Warwick, mentor of Animation believes all skills are transferable.

There are a lot of different areas and skill sets that take time and that practice is building upon them.


So summing it up, NO you don’t need to be a great 2D artist to head down this career path (although it won't hurt!) There is such a wide spectrum of jobs in this industry from technical to programming, that there is a fit for every skill set.

Take it from co-founder and mentor of Animation, Nick Fredin:

If you're interested in learning 3d animation and starting a career in the Animation and VFX industry check out our full offering of courses in the link below.

Are You Ready to Create?  Fast-track your way into the industry and start your creative career sooner.

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Nick Fredin

Nick is the co-founder of CG Spectrum! With a background in 3D animation, he's worked in film and games for over a decade. Nick has contributed to studios like Weta, ILM, and Iloura (now Framestore) on projects, including Watchmen, The Hobbit franchise, and Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Somehow, he also found the time to write articles for our blog.